News Release

Labor Day Statement: Union Officials Seeking to Reshape Labor Law «Have a Powerful Friend in Obama»

Big Labor turns to Obama White House for administrative bailout

Washington, DC (August 30, 2013) – Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and National Right to Work Committee, released the following statement regarding this year’s Labor Day holiday:

«This Labor Day, many workers will enjoy a well-deserved long weekend. But as we celebrate with friends and family, Big Labor-backed bureaucrats are on the verge of reshaping American labor law.

«Throughout the United States, millions of American workers are already compelled to pay dues or fees to union officials as a condition of getting or keeping a job. And millions more workers are required by law to accept a union’s so-called ‘representation,’ even if they would rather negotiate with their employer on their own merits.

«Not satisfied with these powers, union officials spent a record $1.7 billion on politics and lobbying last cycle seeking to expand their reach over American workers. After Big Labor suffered many legislative defeats thanks in part to the efforts of the National Right to Work Committee’s 2.8 million members, it is now turning to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Department of Labor, and other executive branch entities to expand their forced unionism privileges.

Click here to read the full release.

Download a MP3 file of the statement here.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, assists thousands of employees in more than 250 cases nationwide per year.

Posted on Aug 30, 2013 in News Releases