Via the Education Intelligence Agency, we learn that (surprise!) Pennsylvania teacher unions oppose attempts to improve public education through the enactment of reforms that could threaten the teacher union monopoly and forced-dues gravy train (emphasis mine):

What do [reformers] think stands in the way…? For Simon Campbell, president of the Yardley-based, the answer is simple: teachers unions.

Mr. Campbell is a resident of the Pennsbury School District in Bucks County that faced a teacher strike in Oct. 2005. For 21 days, 11,500 students were kept out of school, including two of his kids.

"I am really just a parent who got kind of fed up one day," he said.
Since the strike he has advocated energetically for abolition of teachers’ right to strike. Currently, 37 states do not allow their teachers to strike.

The Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA), a division of the National Education Association which is the nation’s largest teachers union, takes in about $80 million a year in dues and boasts about 185,000 members statewide, Mr. Campbell said.

"The real business that they’re in is collecting union dues," he said. "They are organized like a machine at the grassroots level."

And what do the NEA bosses spend all that money its dues-collecting machine rakes in on?

Bombarding teachers’ families with political propaganda is apparently a high priority. Too bad six year olds don’t vote . . .

Posted on Oct 15, 2008 in Blog