On Friday, Freedom@Work scooped the national media in breaking the full story about President Obama’s executive order giveaway to Big Labor. For those of you who missed it, Obama handed the Department of Labor the new power to blacklist nonunion companies targeted by union operatives.

Under the new rules, any unfair labor practice charge leveled against a contractor — perhaps during a union organizing drive — could be used to bar the contractor from competing for taxpayer-funded federal work. Hilda Solis, Obama’s pro-forced unionism pick for Secretary of Labor, is sure to use this requirement to pressure companies into handing their employees over to forced unionism

Taken alone, this blacklist rule is outrageous, but the outrage is compounded by the fact that Obama and his pro-forced unionism allies in Congress are on the verge of passing a massive, pork-filled “stimulus” bill. The 900 billion dollar package promises a dramatic, across-the-board increase in federal outlays, and thanks to President Obama’s generosity, Big Labor is perfectly positioned to leverage those funds to tap into more sources of forced union dues from the 92 percent of American workers who have not chosen to unionize.

Now that union operatives at DOL have the power to blacklist a company from federal contracting simply by lodging a few spurious (even unadjudicated) charges, it’s pretty clear union bosses are in for a massive payday when the “stimulus” bill passes.

Posted on Feb 2, 2009 in Blog