New Right to Work Podcast: Mark Mix talks Wisconsin Labor Law Reform

On WSAU-AM Central Wisconsin Morning News, Right to Work President Mark Mix explains why ending union monopoly bargaining privileges is so important as Wisconsin faces widespread, union-instigated protests. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

New Right to Work Podcast: Mark Mix on Greg Budell’s Happy Hour

Right to Work President Mark Mix updates Greg Budell of Montgomery, Alabama's News Talk 107.9 on several pressing issues related to the Right to Work movement, including the possibility of the Foundation's landmark Dana decision being overturned by Obama's NLRB. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

New Foundation Podcast: Right to Work President Mark Mix Warns of Lame Duck Big Labor Power Grabs

Right to Work President Mark Mix sat down with nationally-syndicated radio host Lars Larson yesterday to discuss the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill, a Big Labor power grab that is poised to pass during the "lame duck" congressional session. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

Mark Mix in DC Examiner: Union Bosses vs. Education Reform

In an op-ed this week in the Washington Examiner, National Right to Work President Mark Mix discusses the threat to real education reform posed by teacher union bosses in Washington, DC. Just a few weeks ago, Samuel Johnson’s centuries-old observation that a man’s knowledge he is to be hanged “concentrates his mind wonderfully” seemed quite applicable to Washington Teacher Union (WTU) President George Packer. Of course, no one was threatening Packer with the rope or any of its modern-day equivalents when they agreed to a new contract in late June making it significantly easier for D.C. Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee to dismiss ineffective teachers.

Mark Mix in the Washington Examiner: When Big Labor plays with fire, taxpayers get burned

Earlier this week, Mark Mix, President of National Right to Work, was published in the Washington Examiner warning about the threat the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill (pdf), which just passed the House last week, poses not only public safety workers' rights, but also state and community budgets. As we noted before, public officials across the country are waking up to the fact that public sector forced unionism is behind the financial crises in their communities. From Mark Mix's commentary:

Mark Mix: Facade of GM/UAW union boss fiscal responsibility to cost taxpayers even more

Today, National Right to Work President Mark Mix was published in the Investor's Business Daily exposing how General Motors (GM) and United Autoworker (UAW) union bosses colluded to use taxpayer dollars to "pay back" the taxpayers for the government bail out it received last year: ...GM leaders and the UAW officials who colluded with them to extract $43 billion out of taxpayers in exchange for arguably worthless stock are now patting themselves on the back for paying back on April 21 the balance of a $6.7 billion loan they took out from taxpayers as part of the 2009 bankruptcy package.

Right to Work at CPAC: President Mark Mix Explains Big Labor’s Dangerous Power Grabs

At the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference, Right to Work President Mark Mix explained the dangers of Big Labor's power grabs to a panel on job creation: The panel also featured Representative Eric Cantor and Virginia Attorney General Ken Cucinelli.

Right to Work on the Radio: Jerry Doyle Interviews Right to Work President Mark Mix

Following his CPAC panel discussion, Right to Work President Mark Mix was interviewed by Jerry Doyle on Big Labor's political influence and the Right to Work movement. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

Mark Mix: Public Deserves to Know About Obama/Big Labor Collusion

President Barack Obama's empty promises of unprecedented transparency have "won" him a federal lawsuit.  His Department of Labor has for many months ignored a series of Freedom of Information Act (FIOA) requests that would let the American people know more about the close connections forged this year between the Department of Labor officials and Big Labor operatives.

Right to Work President Mark Mix on the Jason Lewis Show: Beware of Health Care Forced Unionism

Right to Work President Mark Mix sits down with nationally-syndicated radio host Jason Lewis to discuss health care reform's forced unionism provisions, the AFL-CIO's new top boss, and the status of Big Labor's coercive card check bill. Click here to listen or use the embeddable player below: